3 Quotes & Sayings By Michael Benningfield

Michael Benningfield is a motivational speaker, author, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of the #1-selling motivational books series, "Motivate This" (now "Motivate This to Success"), which has sold more than 2 million books. Michael's books have been translated into over 20 languages. His work has helped millions of people across the globe live their best lives by helping them identify their unique purpose in life and discover the strategies they need to make it happen.

Even the most noble of men are capable of committing the most heinous crimes when their souls cry out for help and that cry goes unanswered. If we spent half as much time building others up as we do tearing them down, we'd find the ladder of success is far greater than the rope of doom. Michael Benningfield
A friend once told me "Michael, if you were a villain, you'd be the Joker, " to which I replied, "no, dear friend - if the Joker were a villain, he'd be ME. Michael Benningfield